Tag Archives: Featured

Grunty Fencast Eleven. Chris, Liz and Dennis

Dear Fencast friends,

We at Grunty Fennery are delighted to announce that episode 11 of our Grunty Fencast is now available and I’m sure you would like to know what it’s all about. Well, as you know already the character of Dennis of Grunty Fen was created and brought to life by Pete Sayers. Also present at the birth was Pete’s first wife Liz. A few years back Liz spent an afternoon with Christopher South who took the opportunity to quiz Liz about both Pete and Dennis.

The recording made at the time has recently come to light and is now ready for your consumption in the form of a Grunty Fencast. The Grunty Fencast is introduced by Carol Carman.  To hear the podcast please click here.

And as this posting is terribly close to Christmas all of us at Grunty Fennery would like to thank you for supporting Dennis and wish all of you in your household a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Christmas Fencast and three new collections!

Dear Friends of the Fen,

We hope you’ve all got your extra thermal layers on as the weather turns nippier because suddenly it’s that time of year again when we bring you something new for your listening pleasure.

Our new Fencast is full of delights for you. Mr South quizzes our new archivist, Ian (see picture), about his knowledge of Grunty Fen, there’s a free episode from Christmas 1993 and you’ll also hear a bit more about the three new collections of episodes we’ve put together and which are available from Dennis’s shop.

Click Fencast for me, please to go to the podcasts page.

Archive Editions 12 – Scab sees Mr South asking such questions as:
What’s the secret of Esme Gartside’s hen house?
What’s a standard lamp doing in the Great Puddle?
What does Dennis think of the new President?
What’s the importance of a Yarmouth dartboard?

Archive Editions 12 features – among other things – African violets, a slither, a balaclava, dandelion and burdock, The Gibbet, Clara Butt, brake blocks, the string on a yo-yo, a tie press, pong, writhing, oo, Grandad’s uniform, the Duchess of Albermarle, illicit liquor, Hopalong Cassidy, Tizer, Shippam’s, nostrils, slot machines, spasms, caustic soda, halo glimmers, divine beds, knitted bathing drawers and Mrs Sharman’s corsets.

Click Scab for me, please to take you to the shop to find out more.

Archive Editions 13 – Gt. Harm finds Dennis enlightening Mr South on subjects such as:
What doesn’t Mrs Sharp stick out for Tarzan?
What’s rife up Pious End?
What Dennis has never joined?
Why was it a ‘two-pylon’ day?

Archive Editions 13 features – among other things – snuffing and pricking, snogging, an electrified doll, toffee apples, the Peek Frean, the War Office, an emergency po, a faintly glowing beak, fug and shag, Hudson’s soap, carbolic, icebreakers, frittering, Sagger’s Sheds, Mounties, Father Christmas, chafing, Nuaru, guano, boomerangs, beekeepers, a ghillie’s bothy, a final thrust, tight suits, conversions, banging, two long one short and a scrape, natural gas, fundamentalists, blandishments, Shippea Hill, knolls, cowlicks, linseed oil putty and amps and amps and amps.

Click Gt. Harm for me, please to go to the right page in the shop for more information.

Archive Editions 14 – Lt. Harm once again finds Mr South having his outlook broadened as Dennis educates him in such aspects of life as:
Why is Gran having a heavy wash?
What can’t the cat stand?
Why didn’t Beryl Burgess want to get her mouse damp?
What wasn’t Dennis’s mum very good at?

Archive Editions 14 features – among other things – a Fox’s glacier mint, a gas cape, breaking wind, Mrs Price’s narrow entry, holding two cherries, Digger Shag dottle banging, silverfish, a bobble hat, pig muck, a walrus, a horse-shoe, a concrete mixer, spring fashions, coley, singing, Old Mother Riley, nymphing experience, Bannockburn, Christmas cake 1974, the raising of Lazarus, sowbugs, I-spy books and Deanna Durbin’s hat.

Click Lt. Harm for me, please to go to the shop to find out more.

Thank you for your support once again both here and on Dennis’s facebook page. We couldn’t do this without you. My nervous sister, Miss Edna and I, on behalf of all at Grunty Fen, would like to wish you the very best of the festive season, and we hope the New Year is good to you.

Yours festively,

Miss Edwards

Dennis and the Christmas Social

As the nights are getting long and even darker than the days let us lighten your hearts with an episode of Dennis of Grunty Fen from 2002; the Christmas episode in fact.

Hear Dennis describing the Grunty Fen Christmas Social to Mr South.

Gasp at the Christmas decorations and their anagrams.

Wonder at the high survival rate of attendees to the Social.

Click the triangle to play the episode.

Think of this as a little Christmas present from all of us at Grunty Fen and Mr South (and poor Mrs South) to you. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

More Dennis episodes are available from the shop.

Mr South and His Warm Bucket

Well dear readers I have some exciting news for you : Mr South’s fourth book about Grunty Fen has been published!


And other

This book is the fourth of Mr South’s series of investigations into the world of Grunty Fen. Described by the author as “…non-existent tourist trails around imaginary locations…variable geography, questionable history and unreliable truth…” 

Discover an English region you never knew existed yet it is right on your doorstep. Up that boggy lane, behind those thorny bushes, over that stagnant ditch.

Let Christopher South lead you on a strange East Anglian journey to meet outcasts who can neuter wrens in flight and crafters who whittle whisks and whistles. But don’t go near the radioactive cosmetics and plague laboratories.

And don’t forget your bucket.

About 90 glorious pages plus an introduction and a free index.

The WARM BUCKET will be available very shortly. The people at McCaw Press (they now look after all the Grunty Fen books) tell me the books will be ready by Tuesday 10th December so that Father Christmas can have some if he wishes.

mccawmedia.co.uk  for McCaw Press
dennisofgruntyfen.co.uk to order books

Yours sincerely

Miss Edwards
Grunty Fen General Store and Post Office


NASA / Apollo 11 [Public domain]

How cheering to hear on the wireless today a reminder that on this day in 1969 some brave men took off in a big rocket to travel to the moon with the intention of walking upon it! Imagine that.

Of course I remember back in 1969 when I first heard, on the same wireless, news of the original lunar landing. How exciting that was. We had such a demand in the shop for rocket-shaped iced-lollies that Dennis nearly wore his lips out sucking ordinary lollies into a pointed shape.

Speaking of Dennis, here is a clip of him reminiscing with Mr South about the lunar landing.

The clip is taken from an episode of Dennis called “Venusians” which you can download or play for your own personal use from here.


This is a free download as a summer special offer!!

And the Venusians are part of the Archive Editions 5 CD which you can order from Dennis’s shop and herewith is a link to that.


Do please have a look around the shop; there is so much to enjoy!

Your Sincerely

Miss Edwards
Grunty Fen Post Office and General Store

Grunty Fen Rides Again

Exciting News dear reader for those with a wireless set: we had thought that Grunty Fen was forever banished from the airwaves but that is not the case – at least for this Christmas! Grunty Fen has popped up in the BBC Radio Cambridgeshire schedules.

“Never miss it”, says Derek Soil of Grunty Fen.

The Grunty Fen story is the result of a long investigation by that splendid young man John Devine. In it he interrogates Mr South about Dennis but also interviews Liz Sayers about Pete Sayers and his role in the creation of Dennis and his other career. For example, did you know that Pete presented music shows on both American and British television? Various fans and friends of Grunty Fen also appear in the Radio Cambridgeshire documentary and, I believe, some old episodes of Dennis will be “aired”.

All that is a lot to squeeze into one programme so it will be split over two days. The first half will be broadcast on 27th December at 12 noon. The second half will be broadcast on the following day (that’s the 28th December) also at 12 noon.

If you will be too busy to listen due to meat or vegetable duties you can listen at your convenience using the BBC Sounds application.

Please do listen and if you like what you hear please remember to thank Radio Cambridgeshire very loudly.

Thank you.
Miss Edwards
Grunty Fen General Stores and Post Office

The Best of Dennis Volume 6

Here at Grunty Fennery we’re thrilled to announce the release of The Best of Dennis Volume 6. 

This means that all seven of Dennis’s cassette tape recordings are now available as a CD or as a download!

So, if your old cassettes have gone all woolly-sounding, stretched or just unplayable, you can now relive those heady moments with a remastered version.

What’s on Volume 6?

    • Dennis tells Mr South his vision of life in Heaven, with loin-girding cloths, the Heavenly Host and deckchairs
    • Dennis has an encounter with a ‘Nealopitan’ ice-cream and a drinks machine when attending an interview
    • There’s a census form to be filled in, but Dennis doesn’t know who to include
    • Gran has a plan for making money
    • Dennis lists all the jobs that Grandad didn’t do
    • Sally Fields shows her darts prowess
  • Mr South peeks into the life of Grunty Fen Academicals football team (featuring pitch undulations and a piano)
Over 70 minutes of pure Fen nonsense for only
 £5 for a download, or  £6 (plus p&p) for a CD!
Please follow this link to go to Dennis’s shop and treat yourself – or another Fenatic – for Christmas! Volume 6 for me, please!
Miss Edna and I look forward to processing your orders, and we thank you for your support in keeping the legend of Dennis alive.

Where to buy Customs and Folklore of Grunty Fen?

Hello everybody,

Mr South has been busy visiting shops and adding more locations from where his books may be purchased. Here is his little list:

Ely :
Burrows bookshop


Saffron Walden:
The Tourist Information Centre
Harts Books

St Ives (Cambridgeshire):
Just Cards and Thornton’s

Great Shelford:
Scotsdales Garden Centre

Soham Books

And of course you can buy direct from Dennis’ shop:


Or if you don’t mind paying the extra postage you can get it from Amazon:


So exciting!


Two more Dennis albums available!

We’re delighted to announce that there are now two more Dennis albums newly released in our shop!

The Best of Dennis Volume 2 is about how it took a week to thread a needle, Gran’s picnic,  the creepy crawly cruet,  mudmogs, Dennis’s letter from The Queen and a film star stuck in a drain.


The Best of Dennis Volume 3 is about the time Mr South got stuck in the privy, S-shaped rhubarb, Dennis’s Chinese dinner, taking Little Hayley to play in a music festival in Cambridge, and wart charming. Plus there are four songs to delight you: The Rhubarb March, Olly’s Spot, Queen Adelaide Waltz and Bird Song.

A must for all Dennis fans!

Please click here to go to the shop or click here to go straight to the page you need.

Supporting Local Business

All of us here at Grunty Fennery support local businesses where we can, and today we’d like to thank Maureen and Tom O’Connell for selling both Who’s Who in Grunty Fen and The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen for us.

They’re pictured (above) outside their fabulous shop Just Cards and Thorntons on Bridge Street in St Ives.  It’s well worth a visit because they have not just cards and books, but a whole host of gifts and a mouthwatering selection of chocolates as well! You can visit their website here.

If you’re in St Ives and you know someone who’d appreciate Mr South’s books, Maureen and Tom will be glad to help you!