Miss Edwards tell me tha’ there were a lot of folk talkin’ ’bout me at Burwell Museum on Sunday. Thank ye vaar much for goin’ along an’ listenin’ to Mr South an’ fer buyin’ some stuff from Miss Edwards’s stall. Much appreciated.
Tag Archives: Featured
Christopher South at Burwell Museum, 17th July
Mr South will be at the Summer Folk Fair at Burwell Museum, Cambridgeshire, on Sunday 17th July and he’d like to see you there!
The theme of the day is folk music and folk stories, and if you have any musical instruments made out of bits of junk (such as may be found in Grunty Fen) Mr South would very much like you to bring them along to show him. There’s a rumour going round the Post Office that there might even be a prize for the best home-made junk musical instrument. So, if you or your little ones can get a note out of something by shaking it, blowing it, strumming it, plucking it, squeezing it or hitting it with a stick, bring it along!
Mr South will be giving a talk at some point during the afternoon and will be only too happy to chat to you about all things Grunty Fen and he won’t even charge you to have your picture taken with him.
There’s all sorts of other activities at the museum that day including mill tours, barbecue, crafts, facepainting, cupcake decorating, stalls, raffle and various demonstrations, talks and live music. I’ve attached a poster so that you can see what’s what.
The Burwell Museum event runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entry is free, and you can’t say that about a lot of things these days!
Please do come along and say hello – and don’t forget your musical instruments. There may even be a singalong. We can’t actually guarantee it – that all depends on which way the wind’s blowing on the day.
Slightly Foxed
Miss Edwards is thrilled to announce that Mr South’s books – The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen and Who’s Who in Grunty Fen – make an appearance in the 50th edition of the quarterly magazine for book lovers Slightly Foxed!
Esteemed journalist Sue Gaisford has written entertainingly about how she came to discover Dennis of Grunty Fen, and how she has enjoyed Mr South’s books.
Needless to say all of us here at Grunty Fennery thank Sue most heartily for her article, and we are over the Honolulu Moon to be included in such an august and elegant publication!
For more information about Slightly Foxed please click here or go to https://foxedquarterly.com/
For more information about Mr South’s books, please click here.
Springtime in Grunty Fen
Fen Tigers on USA Radio!
In case you missed it, Dennis’s theme tune, Fen Tigers, recently made it onto American airwaves, courtesy of a duo called Fingermouse and Rubberneck!
The two musicians – Tom Few and Simon Murfitt – are just about to release their first record, but in a move which surprised all of us, ended up playing their version of Fen Tigers on WPSC Brave New Radio in America on their Ukulele Day! All of us at Grunty Fennery would like to thank Tom and Simon for their very enjoyable tribute to Dennis.
Click on Dennis to hear the track.
Click on Mr South to read more in an article from the Cambridge News.
Click on the wireless to hear their interview on American radio.
The Authorised Guide
You can now get The Authorised Guide to Grunty Fen on Kindle as well as from local bookshops, Amazon and Dennis’s shop!
Who’s Who in Grunty Fen
Who’s Who in Grunty Fen is now available from local bookshops, Amazon and Dennis’s shop! Plus there’s a Free Fencast in which Mr South explains just why he felt the need to write this new book, and talks about some of the characters in it. Plus there’s a free Dennis episode to listen to! It’s a sample from The Best of Dennis Volume 1 and it’s Dennis and Mr South talking about cricket. To find out more and to listen to the podcast plus free episode, please go to Podcasts for details.
Best of Dennis Volume 1 released
The Best of Dennis Volume 1 is now available from Dennis’s shop! Originally issued on cassette in 1988, this collection reveals – amongst other things – what happened when Dennis when for a haircut, what you have to take into account when building a privy, problems with pigeons, having a bath and going to Cromer.
Plus there are six of Dennis’s songs, including There Ain’t no Flies on Me and the lovely Honolulu Moon. Please note that at 90 mins in length this is a double CD. So if your old tapes are wearing out, now’s your chance to get a CD or download!